Welcome to our new school year, complete with a flurry of band activities! You should have received our monthly Band Notes (Fri, Aug 13) with all of the information on upcoming activities. Please contact Jen.McLellan@mercerislandschools.org if you didn't receive it.
First and foremost, EVERYONE from 5th-12th grade band, alumni, and family members are welcome to join us at our annual Bandcamp Barbecue! It's full of great food and director dunking fun while raising funds for our incredible band program. We are also looking for sponsors for the infamous dunk tank and drum major dessert table.
For our high school band students, band camp is next week! You should have received an email by now with the details. If you haven't received it, please contact Jen. Seniors and the leadership team will be enjoying their leadership retreat this weekend!
For our 5th graders, keep your eyes open for more information about the "5th Grade Instrument Zoo" at Islander Middle School, on August 24th, where you will be able to try a variety of instruments.
It takes a village to keep this program going. We need YOUR help! Please volunteer!