MIHS Band Camp
Band Camp 2024
August 12-16, 10am-5:30pm
Mercer Island High School Stadium
MIHS Band Camp is a great way to (re)connect with friends and our band family while it is an important instructional activity critical to your student's success in the classroom and in the marching band season. If your student cannot attend part or all of Band Camp for any reason, your student should speak with the directors.
What to Expect
Each day your band student will participate in a variety of activities and exercises to get ready for marching band season. They will learn to work together seamlessly as a team. There is spirit wear each day which ranges from 'Fashion Disaster' to 'Color Wars'.
What to Bring
Each day every student will be asked to bring with them their instrument, music, a music lyre, a pencil, plenty of water (a half-gallon to gallon water jug is appropriate), lunch for midday break, and a great attitude. We will begin playing on the very first day.
Please read the detailed email from the band directors for details about band camp, the uniform fittings, band camp BBQ, Friday performance, music to download from Charms, and more. If you do not receive this email by the Monday before band camp, please contact Jen, our band administrator.
Volunteer Help Needed!
We, of course, could not do this without the support and talent and time from countless band parent volunteers. This all works because of each of you.
We need help during Band Camp week!
Typical Parent Volunteer Schedule
Monday: Hot Dog Lunch during band camp
Tuesday: Uniform Fitting after band camp
Wednesday: Uniform Fitting after band camp
Thursday: Band camp BBQ after band camp
Friday: Freshmen parent meeting and parent show (near the end of band camp)
On the volunteer page, we will post how you can help.
We will need help cooking, serving, and cleaning up for the hot dog lunch. We need to feed 300 kids in 15 minutes so they can get back to work quickly.
We need help fitting the 300 kids into their uniforms which includes the jacket, bibs, shakos, dinkles, and more.
We need help putting on our band camp bbq which is a ton of fun for our entire 5th - 12 grade band community.