All Mercer Island Bands
The Mercer Island Bands are more than a series of band classes. It is a 5th - 12th grade band program building camaraderie, leadership skills, and compassion, creating well-rounded young adults. In addition, the band program builds a sense of community for all of the band members and their families.
But don't take our word for it, read the many testimonials from the students and families who have completed the band program over the years.
Here's some examples of how it's done:
Team Teaching Approach
Rather than having different teachers at each school level, the band directors team teach at all grades, getting to know the kids before they reach the high school.
All Island Band BBQ
The All Island Band BBQ is the Thursday night of band camp which is typically two weeks before school starts. All island band students and families (5th-12th and alumni) are invited to the bbq where they can eat hamburgers and desserts while dunking the directors!
Student Leadership
You'll see high school seniors leading sections of underclassmen, and high schoolers working with middle school students (8th-grade mini band camp, AIBN 3rd qtr) and middle school students performing for elementary schools. During covid, high schoolers were tutoring 5th graders.
Band Together Party
Band Together is our adult-only friendraiser and fundraiser to help support our band program while building community, meeting new friends, and dancing the night away.
All Island Band Night
Every band student from 5th-12th grade performs at a MIHS football game's half-time show at All Island Band Night. 5th graders are always the star of the show with Hot Cross Buns! 8th graders get to perform in the stands with the high schoolers for the 3rd quarter.
We need your help throughout the year to keep our incredibly active band program going. Volunteering for band activities is also a great way to meet other parents, who are also all in for band.