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Mercer Island Bands

MIHS Bands start the school year with their Pride of the Island marching band and band camp. 

Islander Middle School will start the school year with lots of fun activities.



News and intro dates for 5th grade band will come out in early September.



Early in the morning, listen for the sounds of Jazz from our 7th-12th grade Jazz bands.


Quick Links


Keep current with the band activities with this shadow of the CutTime Calendar.


Get involved! It takes a village to manage a 700+ band program. We need your help!

Standing Camera

Links to galleries of photos and videos of past events are captured here. 

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Wear your band spirit with band swag. Come get it at select band events throughout the year.

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Mercer Island Schools Band Boosters helps support MI's 5th-12th grade band program.

Staying Informed

Managing a large band spanning six schools and eight grades requires a fair amount of communication. These are the most common ways you (or your student) will be informed of your student's band activities. If you aren't receiving the emails, contact Jen.

Band Notes

Band Notes emails are delivered once a month and is a great source of information about upcoming events and items relevant to all band members.


Directors will send out an email to specific classes on information that is relevant to the class only. Please make sure your email is up to date in CutTime.

Student Leaders

At the high school level, students should ask questions to their section leads, then drum majors, before asking directors.


At the middle school and high school, information is imparted in the classroom and via schoology.

The Mercer Island Band Program is a proudly no-cut, non-competitive, all inclusive band program.  It strives for excellence resulting in local, national, and international award and performance opportunities. Close to 300 strong, one-in-four high school students and over 700 students district-wide participate in the grade 5-12 band program. Thank you to the Mercer Island School Band Boosters for helping support our program and our band students so each and every student may participate in band and all of the band activities. 

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